We put our distinctive mark in jeans models We offer the best types of pants and special jeans sets that we are famous for making our special touch for each product Buy now Fashionable and special models for all ages We offer the best types of pants and special jeans sets that we are famous for making our special touch for each product Our products The best types of clothing at competitive prices We are distinguished by the production of jeans made of the finest types of fabrics and we care about our competitive prices in the market and to be always the best choice contact us

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Bayhas Company Profile

With the constant development witnessed by the clothing trade, our beginning was in the eighties in the Syrian city of Aleppo, where we became famous in the market and we had a good reputation in the famous Aleppo market and in the world. 

We established Bayhas Company in 2009, where we specialized in the manufacture of jeans wear, including jeans sets, and we worked on producing the latest models and distributing them to the Syrian and Arab markets,

At the beginning of 2013, the company moved to the Turkish city of Gaziantep, through the quality of our products, their distinction from others, and our keenness to complete our journey in meeting customer service inside Syria and the neighboring Arab countries. 

We were keen to have our Syrian touch in the Turkish market, as a branch was opened in Istanbul, the fashion city, and our products became resonant in the Istanbul market, and with the increase in demand for them, we are now supplying our goods to Arab and European countries and the Turkish and Syrian market.

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ماهي الأقشمة التي يصنع منها الجينز وكيف تختار أفضل جينز للأطفال

يعتبر الجينز في أيامنا من الملابس العالمية والأكثر استهلاكاً، حيث يتم ارتداؤه من قبل الرجال والنساء والأطفال وجميع الفئات العمرية، يعتمد التجار في تجاراتهم على الجينز لكثرة الطلب عليه حيث يختاروا أفضل أنواع أقمشة الجينز، لذلك عند اختيارك الجينز عليك اختيار شركة جينز توفر لك موديلات حديثة وأقمشة من النوع الجيد والجودة العالية، أفضل أنواع […]

ما هي أهم مزايا الأقمشة التي تستخدمها شركة بيهس

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